Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Walk to Work

So recently, I started walking to work - for two reasons : gas is expensive and I'm getting fat. I did not, however, count on it being a source for photographic inspiration. So here it is, join me on my walk to work...

New Condo Across the Street

Building yet another CondoStoplight at Wisconsin and Edgewood
Nice, New Winding Bike Path

Viaduct over Railroad

US Flag over Railroad
Tower over Railroad

Bike Path and Trestle Bridge
What sign? Trestle/Train BridgeI always cross to walk on the south side. So that if a train comes, I won't have to wait on it... ...like this guy.

Train Art

View of the Valley

Up the hill, through the gap in the bushes by the yield sign...
...and into the cemetary.
Beyond death lies work. The roof in the back ground is part of the club where I'll be bartending in just a few minutes. Stop by, mention reading this and I just might buy you a beer.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


It's alive!
...and seems to be doing pretty good. More blog to come as my summer winds down and I've more time to spend with the computer.